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Über Bill Hajek

Born in Arlington Hts, Il in 1961 when this town was a corn field with a population of 6,000, mostly German white collar Chicago born folks moving out to the suburbs. Educated in many places, by sports, women and a college degree in math and business at Northeastern IL U in Chicago. I found out what work was like at the age of 19, working the graveyard at UPS. Four years later I was ready to use my mind and not my back, starting as a field safety engineer for a large Property a Casualty Ins. Company traveling the great flat land state of Illinois. I was approached in 1989 by one of the pioneers in the field of bulk materials handling to join and to finally purchase and run his company, my father, Ron Hajek. A man of high ideals. I have run Advanced Industrial Design, Inc since my father allowed me to take the reigns in the mid 90s. I am in the Society to Build the Best Website. Hobbies include building and coaching my children in their sport activities.

Know-how and experience:
My real love is pneumatic conveying systems. Our system integrator approach is to sell quality, not quantity. Putting the correct piece of equipment that fits the product being stored and conveyed. Simple, straight forward ideals.

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