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34.9787696, 135.6817525

Shuji Matsusaka
Kyoto (Kyoto) 615-8510
+81 75 383 268 5
Über Shuji Matsusaka

1958 in Hiroshima, Japan.
MS in Chemical Engineering, Hiroshima University (1983)
BS in Chemical Engineering, Hiroshima University (1981)
PhD in Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University (1993)

Professional experience:
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University (1997-Present)
Visiting Professor, Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Surrey, UK, funded by the Visiting Fellowship of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK (June 1999 - Mar. 2000)
Research Associate of Chemical Engineering (1989)
Toray Engineering Co. Ltd. Nuclear Energy Dept. (1983)

Organizational committees:
Vice-president of International Federation of Measurement and Control of Granular Materials (IFMCGM) (2008-present)
Director of The Institute of Electrostatics Japan (2007-present)
Director of The Society of Powder Technology, Japan (2003-present)
Member of the committee of Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation (2004-present)
Member of the committee of The Society of Chemical Engineers, Kansai Branch (2005-2006)
Member of Editorial Board of Advanced Powder Technology (1993-1999, 2001-2003)
Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Society of Powder Technology Japan (1995-1999, 2001-2003)

Scientific awards:
Excellent Paper Award by The Society of Powder Technol, Japan (2002)
Distinguished Achievements Award by the Information Center of Particle Technology, Japan (2002)
Iinoya Award by the Japanese Association of Aerosol Science and Technology (1995)

Know-how and experience:
Characterization of adhesive powder and particles.
Evaluation of powder flowability.
Analysis of tribo-charging.

Fields of Consulting work:
Electrification of particles
Evaluation of adhesion and flowability of particles
Mechanical unit operation

Jiang, Y., S. Matsusaka, H. Masuda and Y. Qian; "Development of measurement system for powder flowability based on vibrating capillary method" Powder Technol. (in press)

Jiang, Y., S. Matsusaka, H. Masuda and Y. Qian; "Characterizing the effect of substrate surface roughness on particle-wall interaction with the airflow method", Powder Technol. , 186 199-205 (2008)

Matsusaka, S., H. Fukuda, Y. Sakura, H. Masuda and M. Ghadiri; "Analysis of Pulsating Electric Signals Generated in Gas-Solids Pipe Flow", Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 1353-1360 (2008)

Watanabe, H., M. Ghadiri1, T. Matsuyama, Y. L. Ding, K. G. Pitt, H. Maruyama, S. Matsusaka, H. Masuda; "Triboelectrification of Pharmaceutical Powders by Particle Impact", Int. J. Pharm., 334, 149-155 (2007)

Matsusaka, S, M. Oki and H. Masuda; "Control of electrostatic charge on particles by impact charging", Advanced Powder Technol., 18, 229-244 (2007)

Jiang Y., S. Matsusaka, H. Masuda and T. Yokoyama; "Characterizing the Effect of Surface Morphology on Particle-wall Interaction by the Airflow Method", Adv. Powder Technol., 17, 413-424 (2006)

Jiang Y., S. Matsusaka, H. Masuda and T. Yokoyama; "Evaluation of Flowability of Composite Particles and Powder Mixtures by Vibrating Capillary Method", J. Chem., Eng., Japan, 39, 14-21 (2006)

Matsusaka S and H. Masuda; "Simultaneous measurement of mass flow rate and charge-to-mass ratio of particles in gas-solids pipe flow", Chem, Eng. Sci., 61, 2254-2261 (2006)

Yao, J., Y. Zhang, C-H. Wang, S. Matsusaka and H. Masuda; "Electrostatics of the Granular Flow in a Pneumatic Conveying System", Ind. Eng. Chem, Res., 43, 7181-7199 (2004)

Zhu, K., S. M. Rao, Q. H. Huang, C.-H. Wang, S. Matsusaka, H. Masuda; "On the Electrostatics of Pneumatic Conveying of Granular Materials Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography", Chem. Eng. Sci, 59, 3201-3213 (2004)

Zhu, K., S. M. Rao, Q. H. Huang, C.-H. Wang, S. Matsusaka, H. Masuda; "On the Electrostatics of Pneumatic Conveying of Granular Materials Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography", Chem. Eng. Sci, 59, 3201-3213 (2004)

Matsusaka, S., M. Oki and H. Masuda; "Bipolar Charge Distribution of a Mixture of Particles with Different Electrostatic Characteristics in Gas-solids Pipe Flow", Powder Technol., 135-136, 150-155 (2003)

Matsusaka, S, T. Nishida, Y. Gotoh and H. Masuda; "Electrification of Fine Particles by Impact on Polymer Film Target", Advanced Powder Technol., 14, 127-138 (2003)

Matsusaka, S. and H. Masuda; "Electrostatics of Particles", Advanced Powder Technol., 14, 143-166 (2003)

Theerachaisupakij, W., S. Matsusaka, M. Kataoka and H. Masuda; "Effects of Wall Vibration on Particle Deposition and Reentrainment in Aerosol Flow", Advanced Powder Technol., 13, 287-300 (2002)

Theerachaisupakij, W., S. Matsusaka, M. Kataoka and H. Masuda; "Effects of Wall Vibration on Particle Deposition and Reentrainment in Aerosol Flow", Advanced Powder Technol., 13, 287-300 (2002)

Matsusaka, S., and H. Masuda; "Theoretical Analysis of Electrostatic Forces between Coated Particles", Advanced Powder Technol., 13, 157-166 (2002)

Matsusaka, S., W. Theerachaisupakij, K. Tanoue and H. Masuda; "Numerical Simulation of Particle Trajectory in Relation to the Formation of a Striped Pattern Deposition Layer", J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 34, 333-339 (2001)

Matsusaka, S., W. Theerachaisupakij, H. Yoshida and H. Masuda; "Deposition Layers Formed by a Turbulent Aerosol Flow of Micron and Sub-micron Particles", Powder Technol., 118, 130-135 (2001)

Adhiwidjaja, I., S. Matsusaka, H. Tanaka and H. Masuda; "Simultaneous Phenomenon of Particle Deposition and Reentrainment: Effects of Surface Roughness on Deposition Layer of Striped Pattern", Aerosol Science Technol., 33, 323-333 (2000)

Adhiwidjaja, I., S. Matsusaka, S. Yabe and H. Masuda; "Simultaneous Phenomenon of Particle Deposition and Reentrainment in Charged Aerosol Flow -Effects of Particle Charge and External Electric Field on Deposition Layer-", Advanced Powder Technol., 11, 221-233 (2000)

Matsusaka, S, S. Nakamura and H. Masuda; "Behavior of Fine Particles on a Plane under Ultrasonic Vibration", KONA Powder and Particle, No.18, 213-220 (2000)

Matsusaka, S., I. Adhiwidjaja, T. Nishio and H. Masuda; "Formation of Striped Pattern Deposition Layers by an Aerosol Flow -analysis of thickness and interval of layers", Advanced Powder Technol., 9, 207-218 (1998)

Masuda, H., S. Matsusaka and H. Shimomura; "Measurement of the Mass Flow Rate of a Polymer Powder Based on the Static Electrification of Particles", Advanced Powder Technol., 9, 169-179 (1998)

Masuda, H., S. Matsusaka, S. Akiba and H. Shimomura; "Electrification of Fine Particles in Gas-Solids Pipe Flow", KONA Powder and Particle, No.16, 216-222 (1998)

Itakura, T., H. Masuda, C. Ohtsuka and S. Matsusaka; "The Contact Potential Difference of Powder and the Tribo-charge", J. Electrostatics., 38, 213-226 (1996)

Matsusaka, S., K. Yamamoto and H. Masuda; "Micro-feeding of a Fine Powder Using a Vibrating Capillary Tube", Advanced Powder Technol., 7, 141-151 (1996)

Matsusaka, S., M. Urakawa and H. Masuda; "Micro-feeding of fine powders using a capillary tube with ultrasonic vibration", Advanced Powder Technol., 6, 283-293 (1995)

Masuda, H., S. Matsusaka and K. Imamura; "A New Method for the Measurement of Powder Characteristics Based on the Reentrainment Phenomena", KONA Powder and Particle, No.12, 133-143 (1994)

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