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-26.1817262, 28.0304286

Prof. Dr. John Sheer
Jan Smuts Avenue
Johannesburg 2050
+27 11 717 730 4
+27 11 339 799 7
Über John Sheer

Born Johannesburg.
BSc(Eng), MSc(Eng), PhD (University of the Witwatersrand).
Has been Manager of Turbine Engineering, Eskom; Senior Director, Chamber of Mines of South Africa Research Organisation (COMRO); Professor and Head of School of Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (present position).
Registered Professional Engineer (Pr.Eng); FSAIMechE, FSAIMM, FMVSSA, MSAIRAC.

Know-how and experience:
Pneumatic conveying systems. Pipeline conveying of multiphase mixtures, particularly ice, water and air.
Erosion by gas-borne particles, particularly power station ash.

Fields of Consulting work:
pneumatic conveying

Sheer, T J, 1995. "Pneumatic conveying of ice particles through mine-shaft pipelines." Powder Technology, vol. 85, pp. 203-219. (etc)
Wilson RW, Sheer T J et al.,1998. "Erosion prediction in rotary regenerative boiler air preheaters." Proceedings of 2nd S A Conference on Applied Mechanics, Cape Town. (etc)

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