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-37.8554575, 145.0783007

Alexander E. (Lex) Wiebenga
Managing Director
Celia St
Glen Iris (VIC) 3146
+61 3 988 976 77
+61 3 988 901 43
Über Alexander E. (Lex) Wiebenga

Born 1938 in Kampala, Uganda. Dutch parents.
Educated in Australia, Diploma Mech Engineering Melbourne Institute of Technology. Master degree Systems Engineering. RMIT
Member Institution of Engineers Australia. Fellow Aust Institute of Mining and Metalurgy
Director/ Consultant of Dialex Holdings consulting engineers and project managers.

Know-how and experience:
Expertise in handling, storing and reclaiming bulk solids from ships, trains and road trucks. Designing multi-modal bulk solids terminals. Wide range of materials including coal, iron ore, salt, grains, metallic concentrates, wood chips, aggregates, cement etc.
Understands process equipment including weighing, sampling etc.,particularly in relation to the handling of materials.
Also liquid handling and services.

Fields of Consulting work:
Unloading/loading, ships,
rains,road trucks.

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