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55.953252, -3.188267

Prof. Michael J. Rotter
School of Civil Engineering
School Of Civil Engineering, University Of Ed
Edinburgh EH9 3JN
Vereinigtes Königreich
+44 131 650 571 9
+44 131 650 717 0
Über Michael J. Rotter

Educated Cambridge University
PhD at Sydney University (Civil Engineering)
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer at Sydney Univ 1975-89
Professor of Civil Engineering, Edinburgh University 1989-present
Head of Dept 1989-1992, Head of Engineering 1992-1998
Fellow Inst Engrs Aust, Fellow Inst Civil Engrs, Member Amer Conc Inst
Member of many standards committees for solids storage facilities (silos and bins): European ENs, ECCS, Australian, ACI, ASME etc.
Chair and editor of European standards committees on Silos, Tanks, Pipelines, Shells and Box structures

Know-how and experience:
Flow and pressures in bulk solids storage vessels
Structural analysis and design procedures for silos, bins and tanks
Forensic investigation of silo failures
FInite element analysis and its use on bulk solids and structures
Shell structures: their analysis and design
Bulk solids and their interactions with storage structures
Standards and formulation of rules for design
Experiments on silos and bins
Coal handling and coal properties
Eccentric discharge of silos and its effects

Rotter, J.M. Guide for the Economic Design of Circular Metal Silos, Spon, London, 2001.

Trahair, N.S., Abel, A., Ansourian, P., Irvine, H.M. and Rotter, J.M., Structural Design of Steel Bins for Bulk Solids, Australian Institute of Steel Construction, Nov. 1983.

Gorenc, B.E., Hogan, T.J. and Rotter, J.M. (eds) Guidelines for the Assessment of Loads on Bulk Solids Containers, Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1986.

Over 200 papers on silos, pressures, solids handling and structural design.

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