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41.746429, 22.199654

Goce Delcev 89
Stip 2000
+389 32 391 379
+389 32 396 875
Über Zoran Despodov

Born 18.09.1965 in Delcevo
grad.min.eng. 28.05.1990 at The Faculty of Mining and Geology in Stip
M.Sc 11.12.1996 at The Faculty of Mining and Geology in Stip
Ph.D 19.07.2002 at The Faculty of Mining and Geology in Stip

teacher on The Department of Underground Mining -The Faculty of Mining and Geology in Stip

Associate of Mining Engineers in Republic of Macedonia


Know-how and experience:
Mine Haulage and Hoisting, Underground Mining, Mining Machines
Belt Conveying

Fields of Consulting work:
Belt Conveyors

1. Despodov, Z.: Determination of reliability parameters of lokomotive transport system in main haulage drift in the Toranica lead and zinc mine, Acta Montanistica Slovaca, BERG Faculty of Technical University of Kosice,1997.
2. Despodov, Z.: Experiences obtained so far and possibilities for larger
utilization of belt conveyors in underground haulage in mines in the republic of macedonia, Fourth International Symposium on Mine Haulage and Hoisting, Belgrade, 1999.
3. Despodov, Z.: Modernization of underground haulage in macedonian lead and zinc mines,"Mining of sustainable development", 50th anniversary of Faculty of Mining and Geology, Silesian University of Technology Gliwice,2000.
4. Despodov,Z., Karagunov, V.: The possibilities of application of used hoisting steel ropes for cable support, 11th International Conference of investigation, production and use of steel wire ropes, BERG Faculty of Technical University of Kosice, 2000
5.Despodov, Z.: Some experiences in hauling of the run-of the mine ore in the main haulage drift in Zletovo mine, 1st International Conference "Logistics & Transport", Technical University of Kosice, Permon- High Tatras,2001.
6. Despodov, Z., Mirakovski, D, Zivanovic, J.: Wire rope use for stone hoisting in deep quarries, 12th International Conference of investigation, production and use of steel wire
ropes, Podbanske, Kosice,2002.

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