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45.4393825, -73.8504574

217 Cadillac St.
Beaconsfield (QC) H9W 2W7
+1 514 695 413 2
+1 514 695 331 5
Über Miroslaw Jonasz

Dr. Miroslaw Jonasz was born in 1949 in Poland. He completed his M.Sc. in physics in 1972 at the University of Gdansk and obtained his Ph.D. degree in physics in 1980 at the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Before founding his firm in 1991, he held research positions at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm University (Sweden), and Dalhousie University (Canada). He also held senior R&D engineering positions at Technicon Instruments Corporation (USA), a major manufacturer of optics-based clinical instrumentation.

Know-how and experience:
Dr. Jonasz has over 27-years experience in design and development of optical instrumentation for particle and turbid media characterization and measurements. He has comparable experience in development of computer software for numerical modeling and simulation, as well as software for analysis and archival of experimental data. Dr. Jonasz is the author of over 33 scientific and technical publications.

Fields of Consulting work:
particle characterization
optical sensor development
light scattering
light attenuation
turbid medium characterization
process simulation software
process modeling software

Jonasz, M., Fournier G., and Stramski, D. 1997. Photometric immersion refractometry: a method of determining the refractive index of marine bacteria and other particulate material from beam attenuation. Appl. Opt. 36: 4214-4225.

Jonasz, M. and Fournier, G. 1996. Approximation of the size distribution of marine particles by a sum of log-normal functions. Limn. Oceanogr. 41: 744-754.

Jonasz, M. 1991. Size, shape, composition and structure of microparticles from light scattering. In: Methods of particle size analysis, J. P. M. Syvitsky (editor), Cambridge University Press, 143-162

Jonasz, M. 1990. Volume scattering function measurement error: effect of angular resolution of the nephelometer. App. Opt. 29: 64-70

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