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28.740312, -106.1536828

Dr. Enrique Ortega-Rivas
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Chemical Scien
University Avenue
Chihuahua (Chih.) 31170
+52 614 424 186 8
+52 614 414 449 2
Über Enrique Ortega-Rivas

Enrique Ortega-Rivas, born in Chihuahua, México in 1954

BSc in Chemical Engineering from University of Chihuahua, Mexico (1977)
MSc in Food Process Engineering from University of Reading, UK (1981)
PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of Bradford, UK (1990)

Currently Senior Lecturer of the University of Chihuahua, México
Visiting Scientist in Food Science Australia, Melbourne in 2003
Invited Lecturer in Monash University, Melbourne, Australia in 2003
Fulbright Scholar at Washington State University in 1995-1996

Teaching: food engineering, food powder processing, heat and mass transfer operations
Research: food engineering, powder technology, solid-liquid separation techniques

Listed in Who’sWho in Science and Engineering and in One Thousand Great Scientists

Published numerous papers in refereed journals and several chapters in technical books. Co-authored book on food powders to be published by Kluwer. Guest editor of special issue of Food Science and Technology International, on handling and processing of food powders. Author of contribution about food powder processing for UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

Reviewer of manuscripts for different international journals

Know-how and experience:
Powder technology applied to food and biological powders and particulates

Cyclone and hydrocyclone separations

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Food powder processing
2. Cyclone and hydrocyclone separations
3. Dehydration

1. Ortega-Rivas, E. (2004). Current awareness in food powder processing. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology (PARTEC2004). Paper 17.6. Ed. S.E. Pratsinis, H. Schulz, R. Strobel y C. Schreglmann. PARTEC2004 Scientific Committee, Nuremberg, Alemania.
2. Olivas-Vargas, R., Molina-Corral, F.J., Pérez-Hernández, A. y Ortega-Rivas, E. (2003). Modeling dehydration kinetics and reconstitution properties of dried jalapeño pepper. En: Transport Phenomena in Food Processing, pp. 169-181. Ed. J. Welti-Chanes, J.F. Vélez-Ruiz y G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, EUA.
3. Ortega-Rivas, E. (2002). Food Powder Processing. En: Food Engineering, Ed. G.V. Barbosa-Canovas. En: UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK (
4. Ortega-Rivas, E. (2002). Hydrocyclone applications in biological separations. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering. Paper 961. 9th APCChE Congress Secretariat. University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
5. Ortega-Rivas, E., Torres-Martínez, J.L y Zárate-Rodríguez, E. (2002). Tumbling chocolate coating of puffed wheat to improve quality. Proceedings of World Congress on Particle Technology 4. Paper 184. WCPT4 Secretariat, Sydney, Australia.
6. Ortega-Rivas, E. (2002). Food powder processing: review and research trends. Proceedings of World Congress on Particle Technology 4. Paper 342. WCPT4 Secretariat, Sydney, Australia.
7. Ortega-Rivas, E. (2002). Characterisation of a pasty formulation prepared from powdered apple. Proceedings of World Congress on Particle Technology 4. Paper 343. WCPT4 Secretariat, Sydney, Australia.
8. Ortega-Rivas, E., Torres-Martínez, J.L. y Zárate-Rodríguez, E. (2001). Chocolate coating of puffed wheat by tumbling to improve physical properties. En: 7th Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE 2001), pp. 245-250. Ed. K. Mallikarjunan y G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas. AIChE, New York.

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