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51.8551569, 8.0258832

Thorsten Krimphove , M.A.
Marketing / Public Relations
Industriestr. 18
59320 Ennigerloh
+49 0 252 493 230
+49 0 252 493 233 99
Über Thorsten Krimphove

Born 1976 in Ennigerloh, Germany
Master of Communication Science
Since 2006 responsible for Marketing and Publixc Relations at L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH in Ennigerloh, Germany
Member in Bundesverband deutscher Pressesprecher

Know-how and experience:
Experience in Marketing Public Relations and Event Organization

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Marketing
2. Public Relations
3. Exhibitions

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