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41.3697695, 2.0887405

Xavier Martino Bofarull
Technical Director
Mestre Joan Corrales 107-109
Esplugues De Llobregat (Barcelona) 08950
Über Xavier Martino Bofarull

Presentely Technical Director of LPG Prevención y Protección de Explosiones

Chemical Engineer studies IQS - Barcelona, Spain

half a year quality control laboratory experience and then began my
15 years explosion protection experience
- explosion suppression
- explosion isolation
- explosion vents and flameless venting
- flame arresters and p/v valves
- rupture discs

two daughters (and one wife :)
one-time marathon runner, hope to do more in the future

Know-how and experience:
explosion protection expert
- explosion suppression
- explosion isolation
- explosion vents and flameless venting
- flame arresters and p/v valves
- rupture discs

Fields of Consulting work:
explosion protection expert
- explosion suppression
- explosion isolation
- explosion vents and flameless venting
- flame arresters and p/v valves
- rupture discs

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