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Harold Horsfall
Über Harold Horsfall

Harold G. Horsfall
Harold has had extensive experience in the management of small and medium enterprises, particularly in the start up and growth phases.

During his career he has had extensive experience presenting the services and products of his employers and clients to corporations and government bodies.

His responsibilities have taken him to UK, USA, Sweden, Indonesia, Germany, New Zealand and all states of Australia.
Completing his education at Brisbane his career commenced as a management cadet with P& O Lines Limited in Brisbane in 1959 where he remained for some 10 years joining Dalgety Australia Ltd becoming the youngest Divisional Manager in the worldwide group. During his employment with these organisations he undertook further industry specific studies with a Diploma from the Institute of Shipping in London, University of New South Wales and the International Air Transport Association at Frankfurt.
In 1976 Harold established his own company to specialise in services to the travel and tourism industry with a focus education, distribution and information technology and telecommunications. Clients included Australian and international travel related organisations. From 1977 to 1988 he was a Session Lecturer of Travel Management, at the University of Queensland’s Gatton Campus and examiner of business plans of MBA students at Griffiths University, Southport.
In a parallel career he served as an officer in the Royal Australian Navy Reserve. A graduate of the RAN Staff College, he completed 22 years service as an intelligence officer, Senior Officer of Naval Intelligence Department at Brisbane, Staff Officer (Navy) to the General Officer commanding the Deployable Joint Force Headquarters at Enoggera and serving as Honorary Aide de Camp to the Governor of Queensland the late Sir Walter Campbell.

Know-how and experience:
My experience has been in general management in logistics, information technology and management. My role as Chairman of the Board of Directors at Idler Tech is to guide the strategic growth of the company

Fields of Consulting work:
Conveyor idler technology

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