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51.4179959, 10.5293225

Gerd J. Lang
General Manager
Buhlaer Weg 1
99759 Sollstedt
+49 36338 317 0
+49 36338 317 17
Über Gerd J. Lang

Born 1946 in Bad Homburg Germany,classical humanistic education,
studies and examins in law,
besides interested in technics and working for Wilhelm lang KG, a small mechanical engineering company,developing mixing,screening and slide-gate-equipment, patent for coal-waggon with special slide-gates,
now General Manager of WILA Mechanical Engineering and Service Company

Know-how and experience:
See above, solids handling in view of mixing,screening and shutting of ,special developments and customer-oriented technical solutions

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Mixing
2. Screening
3. Shutting off

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