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51.1053942, 17.0321663

Leszek Jurdziak
Pl. Teatralny 2
Wroclaw 50-051
+48 71 320 683 0
+48 71 311 926 6
Über Leszek Jurdziak

Leszek P. Jurdziak, PhD, born on 1958, married, 2 sons (1983, 1985) and 1 daughter (1989).
Adiunkt (assistant professor, lecturer and research worker) at the Institute of Mining Engineering (IME) of Wroclaw University of Technology (WUT).
Since 1990 co-founder and co-owner of Software Office JUKA - an agency for two international software houses: Infrasoft Ltd., Datamine International Inc. and Earthworks Corp. on Polish geotechnology (geology, mining & environment) market.
Since 1985 member of the Association of Mining Engineers and Technicians, 1990-1998 member of management committee and since 1999 - the president of this organization at the IME at WUT.
1991 –1996 an Associate Member of Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration in the U.S.
Languages: English (very good), German and Russian (fair).
1977-1982 studies at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, WUT, M.Sc. in 1982.
1982-1986 post graduate studies for candidates for a doctor's degree in IME, WUT.
1985-1988 extra mural studies at the Faculty of Mining, WUT, M.Sc. in 1988.
1988-1989 post graduate studies: 'Pedagogics of Higher Schools'.
1991-1992 post graduate course: The School of Business, Central Connecticut State University (A Certificate of Business Studies 1992).
1992 Program For Entrepreneurship Education in Central Europe, Central Connecticut State University and Center For Entrepreneurial Studies at Babson College
1993 post graduate course in International Trade, Central Connecticut State University
1996 a doctor degree at Wroclaw University of Technology.
1999 a short training Valuation of Mineral Projects and Investments, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London and Polish Academy of Science.
2000 a short training „Orebody Uncertainty, Risk Assessment and Profitability in: Recoverable Reserves, Ore Selection and Mine Planning” in Athens.

Know-how and experience:
Industrial training:
1987 - 2.5 months at the „Turow” open cast lignite mine,
1988 - 3.5 months at the „Rydultowy” underground hard coal mine.
1995 - 1 months at the Institute of Business Studies, Central Connecticut State University, US.
Teaching experience:
- Mineral Economics (every year since 1995), Introduction to Economics (since 1999), Introduction to computer programming - language TurboPASCAL (every year since 1986) at the Faculty of Mining at WUT.
- Introduction to Market Economics, Risk in Evaluation of Investment Decissions, Capital Budgeting, Industrial Marketing (since 1992) at the Polish-American School of Business at WUT.
- Introduction to Market Economics, Statistical Methods and Forecasting, Risk Analysis in Mining Investments, Economical Production Scheduling in Mines, Operation Research in Mining Engineering, new lectures prepared for a post graduate study “Economics, Finance and Management in Mineral Industry”, FME at WUT.
- Introduction to Market Economics, Project Management at post graduate study “Management in Education” at Higer School of Finanse and Management, Wroclaw.
- Operation research and DSS in Mining Machinery Exploitation, Usage of Personal Computers for Research Workers, Computer Usage in Mining Industry, Application of Personal Computers in Engineering Calculation, Statistical Methods, Applications of Probability Theory and Statistical Models in Mining Engineering at WUT.

Fields of Consulting work:
Research field of interest:
- Reliability of transport systems and their components (esp. belt conveying systems).
- Computer aided belt conveyor management systems.
- Computer systems for maintenance management and inventory control.
- Investment decision making and economic evaluation.
- Economic evaluation methods and investment decissions
- Risk in investment decissions.
- Computer simulation models for mining engineering problem-solving and management decision-making,
- Application of computers in mining engineering (esp. Integrated geological and mining systems).
- Optimisation in mine designs and production scheduling.
- Stochastic methods in mining engineering.

1. Jurdziak L., The conveyor belt wear index and its application in belts replacement policy, Proceedings of the International Symposium On Mine Planing and Equipment Selection, Ateny, Grecja, Balkema 2000.
2. Jurdziak L., Hardygóra M., The effect of conveyor belt load upon belt durability, Proceedings of the International Symposium On Mine Planing and Equipment Selection, Ateny, Grecja, Balkema 2000.
3. Jurdziak L., Application of Linguistic Variables to Determination of Belt Wear Degree - Method of Scheduling Conveyor Belts for Replacement, Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa P.Wr. Nr 82 ,Seria: Konferencje Nr 21, Continuous Surface Mining, 5th International Symposium, Wroc?aw 26-29 May 1998.
4. Jurdziak L., Hardygóra M., Forecasts of belt replacements using the „PROGNOZA” program, Proceedings of The First International Conference On Information Technologies in The Minerals Industry Via The Internet, A.A.Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield/1998.
5. Jurdziak L., Hardygóra M., Determination of Effect of Conveyor Belt Loop Length on Loop Up Time, Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa P.Wr. Nr 82 ,Seria: Konferencje Nr 21, Continuous Surface Mining, 5th International Symposium, Wroc?aw 26-29 May 1998.
6. Jurdziak L., Hardygóra M., Determination of the distribution function of conveyor belt operating time based on the belt model, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium On Mine Planing and Equipment Selection, Calgary, Canada 31.Oct.-3.Nov. 1995, Balkema 1995.
7. Jurdziak L., Determination of Optimum Time For The Replacement of Conveyor Belts Meant For Reconditioning, Proceedings of the XXII. International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM'90), 17.-21. September 1990.
8. Da?kowski B.T., Jurdziak L., Kawalec W., Personel Computer System for Maintenance Managment of Belt Conveyor Systems, Proceedings of the XXII. International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM'90), 17.-21. September 1990.
Total number of publications: over 60 (most in Polish)

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