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40.1897109, -105.1245479

Darren Wood , P.Eng.
Chief Engineer
1722 Sumac Street
Longmont (CO) 80501
Vereinigte Staaten
+1 303 530 210 8
+1 303 530 320 8
Über Darren Wood

Born 1969 in Bristol, TN
BS in Nuclear Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, University of Tennessee
1992 - 1996 Duke Energy
1996 - 1999 Duke Engineering & Services, Inc.
2000 - Present Air Control Science
Registered Mechanical Engineer - California

Know-how and experience:
Design and specification of industrial ventilation systems including dust, fume, and emissions control.
Specification of dust collectors, filter media, fans, and accessories.
Design of transfer chutes and conveyor skirt enclosures for proper flow and fugitive emission control.
Conveyor capacity analysis.

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Dust control
2. Fume control
3. Emissions control
4. Dust collector / baghouse / filter specification
5. System testing and auditing
6. Industrial ventilation system design
7. Fan specification

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