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38.7701827, -97.6339604

Lisa Johnson
Media & Communications Manager
1725 Vortex Ave
Salina (KS) 67401
Vereinigte Staaten
+1 785 825 717 7
+1 785 825 719 4
Über Lisa Johnson

Lisa coordinates all domestic and international marketing for Vortexs five global offices worldwide. With over a decades worth of experience in the dry bulk solids industry, Lisa is continually presenting Vortex as one of the best valve choices available on the market through tradeshows, advertising, social media, and content marketing. Vortex is a manufacturing company that specialises in process valves and loading solutions specifically for solids handling.

2016/1 – Heute
(8 Years / 7 Monate)
Media & Communications Manager
2008/8 – 2016/1
(7 Years / 5 Monate)
Marketing Coordinator
2002/5 – 2008/7
(6 Years / 2 Monate)
Marketing Assistant
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