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52.28299, 10.57651

Harald Heinrici , Dipl.-Ing.
Project Manager
Petzvalstr. 56
38104 Braunschweig
+49 0 531 378 945 1
+49 0 531 378 945 2
Über Harald Heinrici

Born 1956 in Bremen, Germany
Studied Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University Braunschweig. After obtaining his diploma degree in 1983 he joined Schenck Process GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany, supplier of equipment and solutions for weighing and feeding as well as screening of bulk solids to become R&D manager of mechanical systems. Since 2001 he is working with Schwedes+Schulze Schüttguttechnik, Braunschweig, Germany specialists on silo technology, bulk solid characterization and handling.

Member of working groups on bulk solid handling and conveying. Lecturer on weighing, feeding and bulk solid technology seminars.

Know-how and experience:
Plant and equipment design for weighing, feeding and bulk solid handling. Long term practical and theoretical experience on solutions for bulk solid flow.

Fields of Consulting work:
Flow of bulk solids
Silo storage
Mechanical conveying and feeding
Particle characterization

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