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46.7258512, -117.0125641

Prof. Dr. John R. Sturgul
Managing Director
University Of Idaho
Moscow (ID) 83844-3024
Vereinigte Staaten
+1 208 885 793 9
+1 208 885 285 5
Über John R. Sturgul

Born: Hurley, WI USA
B. S. Michigan Tech, M. S. Arizona, Ph. D. Illinois, hon. dr. cs., University of Petrosani, Romania.
Currently: Prof. of Mining Engr., Univ. of Idaho and General Manager of JR Sturgul Consulting Services; Previous: Australia for 10 years, New Mexico Tech and Arizona
Soc. of Mining Engrs., Nat. Mining Assoc., Soc. for Computer Simulation Inter. MPES Special Citation in Greece, Named Outstanding Faculty Member at Univ. of Idaho, Senior Member of Soc. for Comp Sim. Inter.:Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Mu Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Sigma Gamma Epsilon

Know-how and experience:
Discrete system simulation of transport systems. Have written the textbook: "Mine Design: Examples Using Simulation" (SME, 2000). Have modeled mine and mining systems in the following countries: USA, Canada, Russia, Siberia, Khazakhstan, Ukraine, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Spain England, South Africa, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Australia, China and Brazil.

Fields of Consulting work:
Mine Simulation
Mine Animation

over 75 articles on mine simulation alone

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