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-37.8549915, 145.3645405

Dr. Lionel Pullum
29 Monash Avenue
Olinda (VIC) 3788
+61 3 975 519 96
+61 3 751 239 6
Über Lionel Pullum

Brief (or extensive) cv availaible on request, otherwise.
Mechanical Engineer, PhD pneumatic conveying and laser diagnostics 1980, London.
FIEAust, MASR, Worked in solid fluid flows ranging from suspersonic dilute phase pneumatic to ultra high concentrations coarse hybrid hydraulic conveying for 30+ years.
Member of lecturing staff of GIW intl. course on slurry transport.

Know-how and experience:
Specialist in high concentration, coarse particle non-Newtonian conveying systems, mixing and multiphase instrumentation and research techniques.
Directly involved in the AMIRA P599 international research program.
Author of several extensive windows based applications including: Agitator - mixing and mixer design package, PipeTools - hydraulic conveying design Package and Axfan - Axial flow fan design package.

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