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47.5070729, 8.7101637

Dr. Roberto Palazzolo , PhD M. Sc. in Chemical Engineering
Technical Manager, Technical Manager
Winterthur 8408
Über Roberto Palazzolo

Technical Director at CTU Clean Technology Universe AG

Currently involved in Waste Incineration and Flue Gas Treatment projects both in the engineering and commissioning phase.
Formerly Engineering and Production manager for SAIF S.p.a. and Member of the managing board of SRF ENERGY S.r.l. project company for the development of the high quality RDF production plant of Magliano d’ Alpi. For SAIF S.p.A. Member of UNI-CTI (Italian Thermo- technical Committee for ISO norm). From 2001 to 2005 Process Engineer in FISIA ITALIMPIANTI S.p.A. in the WTE department.

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