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46.650917, 4.685759

Jean-Claude Poncet
Le Noizeret
St Boil 71390
+33 3 854 406 78
+33 3 854 406 79
Über Jean-Claude Poncet

Civil engineering degree from ENSAIS in Strasbourg in 1971
Masters degree in structural analysis from McGill University in Montreal in 1981
Employed by C.D. Howe Co of Canada from 1973 to 1987, in the design and construction of grain silos. Overseas assignments in Salvador, Lebanon, Algeria.
Founded Silexport in 1987 to develop the vibrating floor technology (20 years ago already !)
Trying hard to share my enthusiasm for it... Gives me the opportunity to travel worldwide
Member of the Order of Engineers of Quebec. Dabbles in philsophy

Know-how and experience:
Design of grain silos
Structural analysis, FEA
Specialized in vibrating floors
Speaks French, and to a certain extent English...

Fields of Consulting work:

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