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22.5232172, 88.3658399

Kalyan Brata Ghoshal
Engg. Division
11a, Jayjayanti Aptt. 2a, Mandeville Gardens
Kolkata (West Bengal) 700019
+91 33 244 166 19
+91 33 244 176 69
+91 33 974 874 406 5
Über Kalyan Brata Ghoshal

Born in the year 1940 at Calcutta, West Bengal India.Bachelor of engineering with post graduation in welding technology.I was head of Inspection in Tata Steel,Chief Welding Engineer Cimmco Birla Ltd,Vast knoledge in inspection of Stacker,Reclaimer,Heavy duty Cranes,Gear Boxes,Heat Exchangers,pressure vessels.Solved many intricate welding problems

Know-how and experience:
Can handle inspection of Stacker, Reclaimer,Ship Unloader,Heavy duty cranes, and can solve any welding problems

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Inspection services
2. Welding expert
3. Welded presure vessels

Welding an experts view.
Code of prctice of fabricated structure
How to WELD

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