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60.2846965, 24.8536217

Sean Walsh , B.Eng (Hons)
Senior Advisor - Material Handling
Jaakonkatu 3
Vantaa 01621
+358 40 348 553 7
+358 40 348 553 7
Über Sean Walsh

Bulk material handling expert with more than 25 years international experience of working for material handling equipment suppliers and as a consultant, especially within the energy, pulp and paper, waste processing, and biofuel production industries. Expert knowledge concerning the handling and processing of: nearly all types of biomass, wastes, coal, oil shale, sludge, ashes, and minerals. Typically working with all stages of project development and execution, from concept development through to plant construction, as well as troubleshooting of existing plants.

2007/5 – 2016/3
(8 Years / 10 Monate)
Senior Advisor - Bulk Material Handling
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