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-23.6437879, -46.5280586

Prof. Adriano Gomes Freitas , B.Sc., B.Eng., M.Sc., P.hD. candidate
Lecturer, Project management units
Av. dos Estados, 5001
Santo André (SP) 09280-550
+55 11 963 329 998
Über Adriano Gomes Freitas

Im passionate about the culture of innovation, the dynamism of entrepreneurship, & the beauty of engineering. Everywhere I go, I pay attention to the transformation power of technological tools, & I really appreciate the opportunities to solve interdisciplinary challenges through innovation. Counting on a trajectory of 15 years, in my most recent works, I collaborated in process innovation of more than 60 companies and institutions in Brazil. Im a PhD candidate carrying out engineering projects with optimistic & innovative people.

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