Re: Compressor And Dryer For Compressed Air Supply To Header Of…

Erstellt am 2. Sep. 2020 - 05:14

The filter supplier knows exactly how much air is needed, at what pressure and how dry.

If you design a pneumatic conveying installation you will need compressed air any way for the pneumatic controls of the valves.

In factory installations, this compressed air is taken from the dried plant air through pressure reducers.


(not verified)

Re: Compressor And Dryer For Compressed Air Supply To Header Of…

Erstellt am 2. Sep. 2020 - 06:45
Quote Originally Posted by Teus TuinenburgView Post
The filter supplier knows exactly how much air is needed, at what pressure and how dry.

If you design a pneumatic conveying installation you will need compressed air any way for the pneumatic controls of the valves.

In factory installations, this compressed air is taken from the dried plant air through pressure reducers.

How can I calculate compressed air requirement for bag filter?

Re: Compressor And Dryer For Compressed Air Supply To Header Of…

Erstellt am 2. Sep. 2020 - 06:53

The filter supplier has the experience how much air at what pressure, pulse duration and -interval you need for a specific type of filter and conveyed material.

That is all.


(not verified)

Re: Compressor And Dryer For Compressed Air Supply To Header Of…

Erstellt am 26. Dec. 2020 - 05:39
Quote Originally Posted by Teus TuinenburgView Post
The filter supplier has the experience how much air at what pressure, pulse duration and -interval you need for a specific type of filter and conveyed material.

That is all.

If there is a big plant and no of bag filters are there what are the total compressed air consumption when all purging valves are open as compare to purging done by taking regular interval ( set on time ).

Re: Compressor And Dryer For Compressed Air Supply To Header Of…

Erstellt am 26. Dec. 2020 - 06:39

Dear chavannilesh,

This is a rather cryptic question.

Probably you have an installation, where a number of valves are open, due to torn membranes.

The leaked air can be very significant.

I use as an estimate for a filter clening air consumption the formula:

FilterCleanAir = FilterArea * 0.0000865 nm3/sec

Interval 200 msec for one row of 10m2 at 5 barg

That should give enough information to figure out your problem.

Although it is better to repair the membrane valves.
