The reasons of bubbles or swells in conveyor belt joint area and how to avoid it

Posted in: , on 27. Dec. 2017 - 15:47


1. One of reason for bubbles around EP conveyor belt joint area is caused by humid during stock or connection work.

If conveyor belt working environment was humid or rainy, the conveyor belt will absorb much moisture, and lack of enough drying processing, the bubbles or swells will be easy happened.

2. The second reason is uneven during glue EP conveyor belt connection working, some glue area thick and some area thin, that cause thin area dry first and thick area dry later before connection, so use blower to blow the glue complete dry or waiting longer time to dry.

3. The third reason is the vulcanization machine was moved off as EP conveyor belt is still in high temperature level that will lead to bubbles or swells happened, so it has to be waiting belt back to normal level, then take the vulcanization machine off.

4. The fourth reason is that the surface of skim rubber of EP conveyor belt did not clear clean enough before glue work, stick dust or fragments, all that will make bubbles.

As we see on the picture, the reasons to caused bubbles or swells may come from item1, 2, and 3, the 4 would lead to small area bubble, not big area shown on the picture.

In one word, if taking time and be careful during connection work, the bubble and swell can be avoid completely.

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