Looking for reliable and cheap Drum Motors: please leave builders' names.

Posted in: , on 20. Apr. 2017 - 17:04

Looking for reliable and cheap Drum Motors: please leave builders' names.

Hi, we're looking for reliable and cheap Drum Motors,

We already know builders like





But we are looking for cheaper manufacturers, possibly with resellers or dealers in Europe or North Africa

Do you know other builders? Could you point them down here?

Re: Looking For Reliable And Cheap Drum Motors: Please Leave Bu…

Erstellt am 21. Apr. 2017 - 04:04

Reliable and cheap normally don't co-exist. You get what you pay for.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Email: garyblenkhorn@gmail.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-blenkhorn-6286954b

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Looking For Reliable And Cheap Drum Motors: Please Leave Bu…

Erstellt am 21. Apr. 2017 - 01:27
Quote Originally Posted by Gary BlenkhornView Post
Reliable and cheap normally don't co-exist. You get what you pay for.

Hi Gary, thanks for your attention,

Unfortunately your answer does not help me and does not answer my question.

I get what I pay for" is correct: I'm looking for a reliable product at the right price, I do not want to pay for the brand (the brand is not always equivalent to quality but often equals to the higher cost)

I look forward to your suggestions, thank you!

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)


Erstellt am 27. Apr. 2017 - 08:00

Estimated Guest,

i'm sorry, i shall also not answer your question per se.

But this might be, because it seems the question & replies are hooked in their undertones?

They leave the reader with the task to decide for you, what might be the sufficiency of the parameter "reliable" and in what relation "cheap" might be to this, all that for some unknown application.

Are you an operator in bad need of a solution?

Are you a manufacturer yourself looking for the odd reverse-engineering spot?

Are you a dealer sitting in NY and looking for the fast reselling $?

Also the set-up of question and reply reminds me of just so many occasions where it starts with an "innocent" question and ends with all kinds of (premeditated) legal turmoil.

In short, dear guest, i doubt it ever so much that you will get "your" answer here at all, at the current setup.

Btw, you show up as "unregistered guest", which does not seem to be the dernier cry of confidence building.


P.S.: I'd rather like to see John getting involved here...

Re: Looking For Reliable And Cheap Drum Motors: Please Leave Bu…

Erstellt am 28. Apr. 2017 - 10:33
Quote Originally Posted by Roland HeilmannView Post
Btw, you show up as "unregistered guest", which does not seem to be the dernier cry of confidence building.

This thing is weird, I also see myself in it as "unregistred" but in fact I login with "Mirco Buttari" and with my name and my password ...

I did not understand why I was displayed as "unregistred" ..

I did not understand why when I go into PROFILE I see nothing and I can not change anything ...

And yet I do not understand why I do not get the reporting of your email responses from the forum (PS. ops, ok my fault, now i solved with "Subscribe to this thread")

Quote Originally Posted by Roland HeilmannView Post
Estimated Guest .. legal turmoil.

: -?

Honestly I do not understand why these doubts and these answers from you?

I am Italian, probably my English has some problems, but summarizing, my premise was:

"I'm looking for cheap drum motors"

"I already know this drum motors builders ..."

And my question was:

"Do you know other names of drum motors builders?"

Now I do not understand where the scandal or the problem is, I really want you to explain me because I'm sorry to have been misunderstood.

Quote Originally Posted by Roland HeilmannView Post
P.S.: I'd rather like to see John getting involved here...

I hope that you, and John, and Gary and all the others people in the forum want to help me.

I hope this has clarified everything and hope for your help

Re: Looking For Reliable And Cheap Drum Motors: Please Leave Bu…

Erstellt am 29. Apr. 2017 - 09:56
Quote Originally Posted by UnregisteredView Post
Do you know other builders? Could you point them down here?



http://www.himmelinfo.de http://www.lattrommelmotoren.com/


Extra EU


... alibaba

... ebay

I can not say about price and quality

^__^ Tnx [URL="www.cfsystem.it"]www.cfsystem.it [B]Nastri trasportatori - Conveyors belt[/B][/URL] [URL="www.conveyor-belt-sushi.com/"]www.conveyor-belt-sushi.com [B]Sushi conveyor[/B][/URL] [URL="www.nastri-trasportatori.net/en.html"]www.nastri-trasportatori.net [B]PORTABLE CONVEYOR SYSTEM[/B] [SIZE=1]For construction - demolition – renovation – restoration – consolidation - sub-foundation Transport debris and rubble - gardens maintenance – archaeology - excavating for pools Landscaping - environmental funds - inaccessible places - mining and tunnelling[/SIZE][/URL]

Apples For Apples

Erstellt am 29. Apr. 2017 - 09:53

Cheap is multi-faceted. If the equipment is large scale then it must be very reliable. Most designs of motorised drums utilise drop-in shafts because the slot clearance can be minimal. As the size increases the slot clearance will have to reduce in accordance with the larger tensions and this detracts from the convenience of using smaller equipment. The issue is simply one of application. Motorised drums should be standard for interchangeability, most competitive drums, couplings and gearboxes are. If a user is not satisfied with the product he should be able to change it for another similar product. If not, then he hasn't done his procurement specification homework. Most motorised drum are used for high value products and downtime losses are very costly. In those situations original drum cost, and replacement cost, is insignificant and there is no such thing as reliability. They are going to fail eventually.

Are drums mentioned all interchangeable? If they are then fast change-out is possible.

If they are not interchangeable then the original question needs to be examined. A non-standard pulley is just as undesirable as a non-standard belt.

The use of motorised pulleys is limited to small scale equipment and governed by replacement implications. CAPEX versus OPEX once again. Also there is the plant layout issue. If a motorised drum is specified then probably the plant layout needs attention.

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

Before I Forget.

Erstellt am 30. Apr. 2017 - 10:47

Once upon a time I watched fitters trying to start a hydraulically driven motor for a bottom take out (fines) conveyor. I still don't understand why this setup was ever used and probably never will. The parent machine was a mobile crusher and screen for soft limestone. With dust everywhere it seemed as though the designer was an environmentalist who relished quarry downtime. Point is that a motorised drum would have been much better and simpler. Again, price would be immaterial and reliability was always compromised: but a drum which could be changed quickly in the field was better than no drum at all.

Accept the price and reliability issues and look for the interchangeability: especially in the desert. At least when the motorised drum goes down your replacement decision is as easy as it gets: change the whole unit.

In answer to the original question I would say look up the www. for suppliers and select the cheapest one that FITS. Why: because price is a known entity whereas reliability is subject to the users' prior knowledge and little else, except his wallet.

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com