Metso Fabric Belt Tensile Strength

Posted in: , on 23. Sep. 2016 - 20:46


In the United States, Metso is selling a 2 ply, 250 piw and a 3 ply, 375 piw conveyor belt. However, they do not mention anywhere in their documents the tensile strength or safety factor.

Does anyone have a complete technical data sheet which shows one or both of these for these belts?

Ronald D. Fernandes, President BMG Conveyor Consulting and Rubber Corp. 2511 Destiny Way Odessa, Florida 33556 USA Phone: 813.385.1254 E-mail: [email][/email] Web Site: [url][/url]

Re: Metso Fabric Belt Tensile Strength

Erstellt am 23. Sep. 2016 - 10:20

There is no way from your post to say who the manufacturer is, get that name and go to their website for the info. If Metso will not give you the answers you ask for then I would be dealing with someone else.

The tensile strength is obviously the PIW (Pounds per Inch of Width) rating of the belt. So a 2 ply 250 is made from a 125 PIW fabric in each ply and the same with the 3 ply 375.

Now you also need to ask "Is the fabric an all Nylon, a Nylon/Polyester, Polyester/Polyester or other composition. Each composition has a different purpose and will affect the modulus of elasticity of the belt or in other words how much it will stretch.

Typically most manufacturers will have a safety factor of 10:1 but you need to find the name of the manufacturer and go to their website for the correct data tables.

The link below might help you. But hard to say what type of belt you are looking at.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Metso Fabric Belt Tensile Strength

Erstellt am 23. Sep. 2016 - 10:36

Dear Gary:

This is the quandary that I have...

Metso used to own their factories, but they sold them to Conti. So Metso is now selling a belt, but does not own a factory. They provide some details but not enough to determine if they in fact do have a 10:1 safety factor.

How many factories do they buy from and relabel as their own?

Ronald D. Fernandes, President BMG Conveyor Consulting and Rubber Corp. 2511 Destiny Way Odessa, Florida 33556 USA Phone: 813.385.1254 E-mail: [email][/email] Web Site: [url][/url]
Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Addition (Perhaps)

Erstellt am 26. Sep. 2016 - 07:42

If you just want to replace a belt with a new one of same properties, then pls. skip the following, else

Where the strength of the belt (among other related belt data) is surely one thing a manufacturer / supplier is to deliver to its customer (and did so, by the piw - values), the factor of safety is entirely another thing. The supplier / manufacturer may propose (usually with lots of "if" and "however") a range of Sf, but it's ultimately the designers responsabilitiy to correctly choose the right Sf for the application, relative to the applicable standard.
