Pull cord switch and Belt sway switch indicators

Posted in: , on 18. Sep. 2016 - 12:43

Dear all,

We have installed pull cord switches (PCS) and Belt sway switches (BSS) indicators. These help to communicate the activated switch faster at control room or at the panel installed at head end.

But we face a problem. The duration of such activation should be minimum 15 seconds, so that these indicators can identity the particular switch. Sometimes if any pull cord switch malfunctions or belt sway switch is activated for few seconds, conveyor trips. But we couldn't know, which switch caused the tripping.

This problem is highlighted to indicators' suppliers also. But the suppliers need that minimum 15 seconds time for identifying switch. If conveyor tripped, we cannot know the switch identification, which caused the tripping.

Do you have such PCS or BSS indicators in your plants? Do you also face such problems?

Kindly help by posting your replies, to avoid this menace.

Thanking you and many regards,


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