Flip flop screen mats

Posted in: , on 31. Jul. 2016 - 14:05

Dear experts,

The flip flop screen mats installed in our machines are getting damaged near their mats fixing holes.

Due to push and pull actions, with in few days, any one of the mats fixing holes is getting torn off upto the edge.

Though the remaing part of screen mats look very new, the damaged screen mats becomes useless.

I had gone through the images of flip flop screen mats images. ( Thanks to Google ).

Majority of the mats are having eliptical holes, though the mats fixing bolts are circular only, as in my case.

Why do we need oval holes? Why cannot be circular ? Are there any relative motion expected at these holes.

I do not think so.

Are any metal inforcement in the flip flop mats are recommonded ? Can it avoid / reduce the damaging of mats ?

I could not see any such image.

OEM could not be contacted. Hence this post.

Requesting your valuable posts.

Thanks a lot & many regards,

Re: Flip Flop Screen Mats

Erstellt am 18. Aug. 2016 - 01:46


You fixing arangement needs to be modified and possibly screen parameters adjusted. Holes can be circular and you can request it from the manufacturers. I get any arrangement from my supplier I request. Let me know if you require further assistance.


Ziggy Gregory www.vibfem.com.au