Rotor bearing type of IHC Fundex F3500 machine.

Posted in: , on 28. Apr. 2016 - 15:09

Hello, whether it is possible to find out the serial number of the bearing, if I had never seen him in real life?

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

To Find Out

Erstellt am 29. Apr. 2016 - 07:26


if it is for maintenance reasons, you might want to contact IHC at



Documentation Confuser!

Erstellt am 2. May. 2016 - 10:22
Quote Originally Posted by CrabmausView Post
Hello, whether it is possible to find out the serial number of the bearing, if I had never seen him in real life?

Roland's suggestion is your only chance.

If you have never seen the beast then the information should be available in the equipment manual. If your firm have lost the manual, not bought it with the machine.etc then you will be obliged to buy the bearing from the OEM at his price. It depends on your urgency and the type of machine. If it is really on its last legs then you might as well strip it out now and read the serial number direct, source economically and suffer the downtime gracefully. I used to strongly resent providing tonnes (once 23t) of documentation which I knew nobody would bother to read or keep on record. You make my point. If the maintenance crew don't have the number why should you take the risk?

John Gateley