Market Overview Belt Conveyor Systems

Posted in: , on 18. Apr. 2016 - 20:46


I am a business student from Munich and am currently conducting a study on the European (or at least German) market for belt conveyor systems.

Is anyone aware of a study or research paper on the conveyor market?

I would be mostly interested in market volume, maybe split per client´s industry or conveyor-typ (light, medium or heavy duty).

Your help is highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Kind regards,


Once More Unto The Breach!

Erstellt am 22. Apr. 2016 - 09:25

Your quest is not uncommon on the forums. Previous threads even requested full global analyses.

I am not aware of any papers on the subject. All I can tell you is that the particular market is shrinking. The starting point would be belt manufacturers because they cover the whole spectrum but their supply is clouded by source and application. For 'clouded' read 'hidden'.

Overland conveyors are very unpopular in the developed world; plants are getting more compact due to better logistics alternatives; Chinese manufacturers bombard the business and most of the other manufacturers source from China anyway. If you listen to Chinese belting suppliers you begin to wonder where they get so much rubber from. What else do you need?

An Irish saying "If I wanted to go there I wouldn't be starting from here!" applies and you will be starting from scratch. But if you work hard and fast enough you might just finish a study before the market diminishes to side saddlers' proportions.

John Gateley