Problem with Ball press roller briquette machine

Posted in: , on 27. Mar. 2016 - 13:05

Dear Sirs

We have a Ball press roller briquette machine and we want to make briquettes of Lime and bauxite. the problem is that when we start the machine after a while the pockets (roller cells) are blocked tightly with material and they the material should be removed off pockets with a lot of force. We did send rollers to plating and coating , used gasoline and oil for lubricating but it did no help. Can anyone suggest what could solve the problem?

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)


Erstellt am 28. Mar. 2017 - 12:01

Dear Sir,

the issue you encounter may derive from very different root causes:

- moisture content, particle mix

- particle size

- particle surface / originating process

- briquetting pressure

- pocket design / slope angles, suface ...


To cut a long story short, imo the best solution would be if you engage with a reputable supplier of briquetting machinery and ask the / your questions or else receive a relevant set of questions to your intended process thsat may help you forward.

Kind regards


Just for an example, and w/o any link of mine to this enterprise:

Re: Problem With Ball Press Roller Briquette Machine

Erstellt am 30. Mar. 2017 - 10:30

Pocket roll briquetting was always a problem for us in the salt industry and for that reason we switched to corrugated rolls and the problems as you describe went away.

I am not saying that would be your solution and as Rowland says it is best to consult with the OEM for the best advice.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

(not verified)

Hi Dear Nima, I Am Hadi From Iran

Erstellt am 24. Dec. 2018 - 11:33
Quote Originally Posted by nima19864View Post
Dear Sirs

We have a Ball press roller briquette machine and we want to make briquettes of Lime and bauxite. the problem is that when we start the machine after a while the pockets (roller cells) are blocked tightly with material and they the material should be removed off pockets with a lot of force. We did send rollers to plating and coating , used gasoline and oil for lubricating but it did no help. Can anyone suggest what could solve the problem?

I am working in hbi ( hot briquetting iron) plant in iran , we had more problems with our machines and we solved one by one , you can send massage in whatsapp to me and i will help you ,

Re: Problem With Ball Press Roller Briquette Machine

Erstellt am 26. Dec. 2018 - 05:30


This forum does not operate that way. Please explain your problems and solutions on here. The answers may help others with similar problems. Nima19864 posted this 2 1/2 years ago. I would hope his problem has been solved by now.

Not everyone uses whatsapp. I would not be sure that it is even safe to contact someone that way. Therefore I have removed your whatsapp contact info.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.