Bulk fabric

Posted in: , on 28. Jan. 2016 - 15:18

If you are looking for bulk Fabrics? Then check them out:

acorn print white mesh spandex fabric - oasis fabr

href="http://www.oasisfabric.com/" target="blank">http://www.oasisfabric.com/ they offer fabrics at pretty good prices that might be worth.

charcoal black mesh fabric - oasis fabric

acorn print white mesh spandex fabric - oasis fabr

href="https://forum.bulk-online.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=45077&d=1453987082" id="attachment45077" rel="Lightbox87266" target="blank">Click image for larger version. Name:Acorn Print White Mesh Spandex Fabric - Oasis Fabric.jpg Views:165 Size:67.1 KB ID:45077

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