Tutorial Request

Posted in: , on 11. Jan. 2016 - 21:51

To offer guidance to a recent thread or two I referred the questioners to the e Library. I had a fair idea that the books were out of print but since I remember much of the articles in Trans Tech Publications and their general content I admit that I had never examined the details in my recent workings: not since 1989. So I clicked a few links to check that what I was telling the questioners could actually be found in the e Library. No links opened for me so I migrated to the Trans Tech site and found it was nowadays frighteningly expensive and about as useful as a chocolate teapot as far as real bulk handling was concerned.

After wiping some of the egg off my face I managed to accept the embarrassing truth that the e Library had passed me by and I had been well and truly in a darker age. Being built of sterner stuff I have taken the bull by the horns and have the temerity to ask, not my strongest point, for help. Can some worthy soul please guide me on how to open the e Library.

Thanking you in anticipation of an understanding reply,

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Library By Foot

Erstellt am 12. Jan. 2016 - 09:20

Hello John,

have a good and peaceful New Year!

I was unable to get anything out of the library too, so I went to the technical staff of the website & asked for support. Will pass on any news asap but do not know how fast I get a reply.

If it is urgent, perhaps you consider contacting Dr. Wöhlbier by personal mail?

Kind regards


Intellectual Property Wrights.

Erstellt am 12. Jan. 2016 - 04:39

Greetings to you also Roland.

At least there are 2 of us struggling and I suspect there will be many more who will eventually admit that they had troubles.

It is not so urgent for me: I have memories of a lot of the original content: but that doesn't help a younger generation like it should.

The website has grown so much and perhaps there is a lack of capacity. Another possible problem is the life of the copyright which prevents the opening of a new site.

Before the British National Coal Board went into extinction there was a very impressive library at Bretby, Derbyshire, and it disappeared into the mists.

Bretby contained a lot of in-house publications which were freely available to qualified and interested parties. It also operated a hierarchical 'need to know' system which I was able to bypass with impunity. I was abroad during the dissolution and used to enquire about the library stock when I met Brits at Asian exhibitions. No meaningful answers.

Why am I saying all this? A new kid on the block will not be able to access such information and probably won't even know that it had been there in the first place. Accessibility is the greatest gift of Intellectual Property. Perhaps a lot of it is obsolete or erroneous but at least future folk should be able to review the original work and intent.


John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

End Of Wrighting

Erstellt am 13. Jan. 2016 - 02:07

Hello John,

the webmaster said the library was just overly slow, so he did now switch on the afterburner. I tried (logged in) and truly the e-library delivers instantaneously.... however it seems the input stopped some years ago.

It's now a message from the past, what a pity.

As a basic, I'd never ever throw something away which contains some grains of creativeness or experience gained. Only one has to put in the time to read & understand, and hopefully there'll always be people doing so and not reinvent the wheel ;-) for the nth time over.

If I may express an idea on the fate of that BNCB library, a sensible ruler would store this very carefully indeed against the day when locally available wealth becomes fashionable again.

Have a nice day


Accelerated Into Oblivion?

Erstellt am 15. Jan. 2016 - 11:30

H Roland and webmaster,

I clicked on the eLibrary tab: entered the keyword 'Gateley' and was very quickly presented with the title details of 3 articles. I then hovered over an article and when it highlighted/underscored and clicked. Nothing. I supposed 'out of print' actually translates as 'access denied'. Is that the case or have I got another problem?

Enjoy your weekend.

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Just The Path To The Hive, But No Honey

Erstellt am 19. Jan. 2016 - 03:26

Hello John,

I'm told that the e-library only delivers the bibliography, but not the contents of articles.

I'm sorry, this will surely not be the answer you expected.

Kind regards


The Search Goes On.

Erstellt am 19. Jan. 2016 - 11:26

Thanks Roland.

You have confirmed my guess.

A new mining museum has opened in my adjacent town and I will ask the curator there if he knows anything about the other library I mentioned.


John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com