Tank Volume Measurement

Erstellt am 2. Aug. 2015 - 04:34
Quote Originally Posted by waterboyView Post
Is radar the best method of Gauging for Oil Production tanks?

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About all oil tanks:

It all depends on how simple or how complicated a system you want.

Its not much of a discussion until the tank type needed or desired was determined.

A floating tank cover allows simpler inventory control with a gallon scale guage

painted outside the tank using a float and cable scale with a weight riding outside

the tank on a rail that has a gallon volume measure painted on the tank.

The other issue is atmosperic pressure and the oils viscosity which must be taken

into consideration if you need to be more exact.

The math has to be correct in determining the tanks volume with each commodity

whether it is crude oil or a refined oil.


The "Less Ccomplicated The Better" which is the KISS pronciple "(K)EEP (I)T (S)IMPLE (S)TUPID".

Simple floats with cables connected to a small weight riding a rail column with painted volume

measures painted on the outside the tank work wonders to gauge a tanks volume at all time.