Coal Unloader Dimension

Posted in: , on 21. Jan. 2015 - 05:54

Hi all,

Do you have coal unloader brochures or article that contain dimension and weight?it doesn't matter if it gantry or vertical screw or bucket wheel.

The company I currently work want to build CFPP, so it need that unloader in the port.

Thank you

Illustration added by Administrator as an example:


Bucket Chain Excavator by FLSmidth

Re: Coal Unloader Dimension

Erstellt am 21. Jan. 2015 - 06:22

What is CFPP?

Please give more details if you want a worthwhile reply.

Thank you.


Re: Coal Unloader Dimension

Erstellt am 23. Jan. 2015 - 02:31
Quote Originally Posted by AuthorView Post
What is CFPP?

Please give more details if you want a worthwhile reply.

Thank you.


Coal Fired Power Plant

Thank You

Right Out Of Your Depth!

Erstellt am 24. Jan. 2015 - 09:02

Give more details than that!

We, forum members, do not provide information like this. You have to ask the manufacturers yourself directly and while you are at it tell them what class,or classes, you expect to service.

I wouldn't fancy your outfit's chances of building their plant based on this query.

John Gateley

(not verified)

Uncoalers As A Devices To Handle Coal In Differents Kind Of Coa…

Erstellt am 2. Feb. 2015 - 03:38

Depending of the capacity needed and the position in the facilty, it could be quite variable. We manufacture differents sizes up to 3.000 Tn/h in for a very small spot.

The UN-COALER® combines the flow control characteristics of a totally enclosed vibrating feeder with proven bin activation.

Since the unit discharges material vertically to conveyor below, loading is always centered and symmetrical. This feature helps to eliminate belt tracking problems common to side feeding.

The UN-COALER® also helps eliminate bridging and other issues found with other metering options.

Some examples are:


Feel free to contact directly if you need detailed information.