Ventilation of Granulated Sulphur Warehouse

Posted in: , on 30. Dec. 2014 - 08:15

AGAHAN Management & Eng. Co. is a leading company in EPC contracting for Steel , Mining and Bulk Material Handling markets. At the moment we are about to construct a mechanized warehouse with a capacity of about 50000 tons for the granulaled sulphur in RAZI Petrochemical Co. Storage is planned to carried out using a conventional belt-tripper system forming a pile with a height of about 14 meters. The warehouse has 160 meters long and 50 meters wide with the height of around 35 meters.

In order to discharge the product from the warehouse to ship loading facilities, 12 Hoppers will be used.

we would wonder if you could let us know that whether the ventilation is required for the warehouse or not, and we would be pleased if you guide us about the kind of the ventilation system if required.

Thank you very much and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards

F. Jahangiri

Process Engineer

AGAHAN Management & Eng. Co.

Added by Moderator:


Granulated Sulphur

Yellow Peril.

Erstellt am 30. Dec. 2014 - 03:35

This could be the last freebie request this year...unless Anil Seth decides to add something!

Please explain what you mean by 'mechanised warehouse'. Normally, a mechanised warehouse is just what it says on the box and the stored products are untouched by human hand. In such a case no ventilation would be required and maintenance personnel are equipped with all necessary PPE.

Please also confirm the combination of 12 hoppers and a single stockpile which indicates 12 drawdown points. If this is the case then you will need manual intervention when the sulphur becomes erratic and then you will need a ventilation facility along with appropriate fire fighting equipment.

John Gateley

Mechanised Storage

Erstellt am 31. Dec. 2014 - 07:45

Dear Sir:

Thank you very much for your attention.

The mechanised storage warehouse for sulphur means that our warehouse is equipped with belt tripper system and the sulphur is entered to the warehouse with belt tripper and stored in the ware house.

The warehouse has 12 hoppers above ground (two rows with 6 hoppers), the sulphur stores in these hoppers and also creates a 14 meters pile above them. In order to discharge the sulphur from the warehouse to ship loading facilities, two belt conveyors will be used under the hoppers.

Thanks a lot and any answers will be gratefully appreciated.

Well Mechanised.

Erstellt am 2. Jan. 2015 - 03:20

You can construct a dust tight gallery quite easily and this would eliminate breathing problems for persons walking or working at high level.

Downstairs you can totally enclose the conveyor and the feeders.

You will probably need a filter at the building exhausts to accommodate volumetric changes and the generation of dust during bunker filling.

I wouldn't entertain ventilation if you can design the necessary shut off mechanisms to isolate conveyors and feeders during maintenance.

If the conveyor needs attention the whole show is stopped so either the top or bottom bunker opening will require closure. Same for the feeders except only the faulty one will need isolation, top and bottom.

When you ventilate without good reason all you will accomplish is blowing dust along to somewhere else in the building.

Ask: do you intend to ventilate the ship? It's an identical iron box after all.

John Gateley

Hazop Study For Granulated Sulphur Warehouse

Erstellt am 7. Jan. 2015 - 08:22

AGAHAN Management & Eng. Co. is a leading company in EPC contracting for Steel , Mining and Bulk Material Handling markets. At the moment we are about to construct a mechanized warehouse with a capacity of about 50000 tons for the granulaled sulphur in RAZI Petrochemical Co. Storage is planned to carried out using a conventional belt-tripper system forming a pile with a height of about 14 meters. The warehouse has 160 meters long and 50 meters wide with the height of around 35 meters.

In order to discharge the product from the warehouse to ship loading facilities, 12 Hoppers will be used. The mechanised storage warehouse for sulphur means that our warehouse is equipped with belt tripper system and the sulphur is entered to the warehouse with belt tripper and stored in the ware house.

The warehouse has 12 hoppers above ground (two rows with 6 hoppers), the sulphur stores in these hoppers and also creates a 14 meters pile above them. In order to discharge the sulphur from the warehouse to ship loading facilities, two belt conveyors will be used under the hoppers.

we would wonder if you could let us know that whether the HAZOP Study is required for the warehouse or not.

Thank you very much and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards

F. Jahangiri

Process Engineer

AGAHAN Management & Eng. Co.

Time Warped.

Erstellt am 16. Jan. 2015 - 11:46

Nothing like asking for a 2nd opinion: is there?

This now the first freebie request of 2015.

John Gateley

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

To Risk Or Not To Risk, That Is The Question

Erstellt am 20. Jan. 2015 - 08:21

Dear Mr. Jahangiri,

HAZOP is a modern means of risk management. It is entirely in your and your employers responsability to assess your processes, identify related risks to staff and systems and to take measures to eliminate these risks. HAZOP is a "think tool" to support these necessary design procedures.

And, please note, from a legal point of view: The processes in your (future) plant are known but to you and your employer, so any statement whatsoever from an outside source like a forum to the effects of "you need not do something..." is void in front of any court anywhere.

From a cost point of view, it is always less costly to change in project stage than to change an existing structure / plant, and be it for reasons of safety. In today's world a risk assessment should be a compulsory part of a design.

There's a good saying out of the air traffic world, going "If you don't want to spend money on safety in design, try an accident instead".

