Port Consultancy in India

Posted in: , on 2. Jun. 2014 - 03:50

We would like to share share our 18 years exposure in India specially in Port Consultancy. My main focus shall be,how the role of Port Consultants/Consultancy Job has changed from 1996 onward and the amount of loss is done and being incurred by our Ports every year by Poor Planning, where major role was played by non professional people in taking final decision.

I was involved for making DPR for Krihnapatnam Port with Rites/Fredrick -R-Harris in 1996 .During that time, it used to take 7-8 months for preparing A DPR. But as on today, most of them do not need this document at all. The client want to execute a port project within 18-24 months(including time for detailed feasibility and DPR). I was fortunate to work with respected Port Consultants like Fredrick-R-Harris, Royal Haskoning,Halcrow,Aecom,L&T Ramboll and learnt state of art(still learning).

Since, I was involved in most of the technical discussions.I noticed that for the last 5-6 years,people from other professions like Doctor,Lawyer,Charted accountants,from road and power sectors jumped in and started taking part in Technical discussions and Final decision making in development of Port.It was very easy for them to copy what has been adapted in their vicinity (without knowing what mistakes has been done in that project).Renowned consultants, started loosing their investments in India and interest because of all these. They started getting very less fee and most of the times, they have to satisfy themselves with first advance payment only. I have got figures which shows, how the port industry has lost about 6--700 crores(1 crore=0.167 million $) by taking wrong decisions and due to wrong decisions at that time ports are working under capacity and again loosing money every year.

My main aim for this discussion is that clients should become serious in near future before jumping in investments in Port/Ports based Industries.

For the next 10 years there shall be investment of more then 15,000 cr in Port and Logistic sectors only.

Good Day

Anil Seth



Services Provider/approved consultant in Port Bulk Handling &Complete logistics solutions to--TM International Logistics(Tata Steel),L&Ramboll,Halcrow(CH2 MHILL),Royal Haskoning,PWC.KPMG,Drewry of UK and India,Deloitte,Tata Steel,Cormondel Fertiliser,MGM.IMC,Sical,Bothras.

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