WAMGROUP Newsletter May 2014

Posted in: , on 16. May. 2014 - 22:53

Dear Reader,

With reconstruction of the WAMGROUP® headquarters in Ponte Motta, Italy well under way, 2014 has started with the ambition to achieve a 75% increase in the Group’s turnover by 2017. At the same time, cost leadership remains a paramount objective.

Ambitious objectives require solid foundations. The experience of exploring new areas of applica- tion of WAMGROUP® products in 2013 revealed that there is high potential for our products in all the terri- tories covered by WAMGROUP® subsidiaries. To find the key to success in the shortest possible time in the “next” sectors there should be a joint venture between corporate and local staff. “Lean sector specialisation” under the guidance of corporate sector managers and a strong focus on tailor-made distribution in each local market are the main measures necessary to reach the Group’s goals.

Once again WAMGROUP® is breaking new ground in a world market that is undergoing major changes.

Best wishes,

Michael Grass

WAMGROUP® Public Relations Manager

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wamgroupnews_0514 (PDF)

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