Boiler Bagfilter Pressure Drop Problem

Posted in: , on 10. Apr. 2014 - 10:05


Our bagfilter is offline bagfilter with 3 compartments. In this bagfilter 2 compartments are in operating condition and remaining compartment cleaning of bags will be done at a time.

Now we are facing problem of higher pressure drop around 250 MMwc. We required pressure drop 150 MMwc. Bags material is fibre glass.

Please anyone can tell me how to reduce pressure drop in Boiler bagfilter?

Thank you.

Pradeep Desai

Re: Boiler Bagfilter Pressure Drop Problem

Erstellt am 10. Apr. 2014 - 08:53

It sounds like your bag house is undersized for the airflow or the filter bags are clogged.

Check the dp across the bags after cleaning if it is in normal range then try reducing the

cleaning time interval.

Proper solution will be to add the 4th compartment.


Boiler Bagfilter

Erstellt am 11. Apr. 2014 - 01:16

You have not provided enough information to describe the problem fully.

What is the fuel? Dust loading and particle size distribution? What is the gas flow and temperature? What is the filter bag cleaning method?

Many other things need to be considered and would be best referred to and experienced consultant.

You should first of all consult the bagfilter manufacturer.

Michael Reid.