Small Pneumatic Conveying Design

Posted in: , on 8. Apr. 2014 - 16:21

Dear all,

I am working on the design of a relatively small pneumatic conveying system. Here are my data :

Particule flow rate : 1.5 t/h

Particule mean size : 10 µm

Particule density : 7000 kg/m3

Bulk density : 4000 kg/m3

Bore diameter : 50 mm

Horizontal length 20 m

Vertical length : 4 m

4x90° bends

From calculation, I found a minimal air velocity of 18 m/s which gives me a N2 flow rate of 128 m3/h. I, then, calculate the pressure drope as mentionned here ( and found a pressure drop of 3 bar (mostly due to the solid to wall friction). But from the design guide of David Mills, I see that the pressure drop should not be as high as this (max 0.6bar). So I am wondering which one is right.

Could you give me some elements to know which one I should believe...?

Thank you for your help.

Fabrice Dessenoix

Re: Small Pneumatic Conveying Design

Erstellt am 8. Apr. 2014 - 05:58

Dear Fabrice Dessenoix,

I calculate for your installation a pressure drop of approx. 0.16 barg.

If the air flow is reduced to 0.021 m3/sec, then the pressure drop reduces to 0.1 bar.

Both pressure drops at 1.5 tons/hr.

With a loading ratio of approx. 17, the pressure drop for product losses is only 1.6 %, due to the short conveying line.

The most of the pressure drop is due to gas resistance and acceleration.

Have a nice day
