Crown Pulleys - Steel Cord Belt Feeder

Posted in: , on 5. Mar. 2014 - 14:31

Dear All,

I am designing a 15-m Belt Feeder , Belt Width 2000 mm , ST2500.

Generally speaking , the crown head pulleys are not used for conveyors with steel belts and high tensions.

Any body in here has experience designing a belt feeder using crowned pulleys , for the sole purpose of the belt tracking? Please share your expierenices ,

Many thanks All



Best Regards, [I][B]Alex Kaveh Senior Mechanical Engineer Mobile : 0451 563 155 Email : [email][/email][/B][/I]

Re: Crown Pulleys - Steel Cord Belt Feeder

Erstellt am 5. Mar. 2014 - 03:27

Dear Mr.Alex,

As you mentioned, crowned pulleys are not recommonded for steelcord belts since they may cause uneven tensions among the cords. Still why do you need to try? If all the factors are favourable, belt should not off-track.

I think, crowned pulleys are outdated now. Requesting others to give their valuable opinions.


Re: Crown Pulleys - Steel Cord Belt Feeder

Erstellt am 6. Mar. 2014 - 04:16

There is nothing wrong with using crowned pulleys providing you NEVER use them for steel cord belts as you will permanently distort the individual cords and eventually could break them. Won't help the splice much either. As far as being outdated, for flat feeder belts designed with a fabric belt, crowned pulleys are not only an excellent way to maintain tracking but make a hell of a lot more sense than a tracking frame


Colin Benjamin

Gulf Conveyor Systems Pty Ltd

Yes Crown Them!

Erstellt am 7. Mar. 2014 - 01:43

Hi there Alex..

We have designed and built too many belt feeders to remember.. but I do remember one feeder that they forgot to edge-crown the pulleys.

It was an absolute nightmare to get it to track in any way straight, as the feeders had flat rolls with only short wing rolls.

All the others had both pulleys edge crowned 1:100 over the last 150mm to 200mm of their faces.. Depends on belt width.. All track OK.

This applies to both fabric and steelcord.

Crowning 1:100 (sometimes 1:80) over the last 150mm to 200mm of the pulley faces is totally harmless to the belt, even steelcord, and pales into insignificance when compared to the contortions the steelcord belt has to do in convex curves, and through transitions.

So don't worry, Alex.. (and there are also no bogey men hiding at the bottom of your garden either!)


LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs