Biggest HAZEMAG Impact Crusher

Posted in: , on 27. Feb. 2014 - 10:53

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Biggest HAZEMAG Impact Crusher for Indonesia

HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH has received a contract to supply a large crushing plant from Messrs. Sinoma International Engineering Co., Ltd. being the supplier of a complete cement production line. The end customer and investor is the Indonesian company PT Cemindo Gemilang, which will build the plant for a capacity of 10,000 t/d in Bayah on the island of Java.

The crushing plant to be delivered by Hazemag consists of a large apron feeder, a wobbler feeder for pre-screening and the impact crusher, which is, with a rotor diameter of 2.5 m and a rotor width of 3.0 m, the largest impact crusher out of the Hazemag product range. Another, smaller apron feeder ensures that two different raw materials can be processed at the same time.


(double click on picture to open in new window)

The HAZEMAG GSK Rotor for the large Indonesian

crushing plant of PT Cemindo Gemilang in Bayah

In addition to the main component of limestone, two different types of clay are crushed. All three materials have been previously tested in detail in the Hazemag pilot plant. On the basis of this investigation, the system concept was determined. The mixture of limestone and clay definitely requires the use of a wobbler, which screens out the fine fractions of the materials before the crusher. In order to perform the screening in a very effective way, the wobbler was carried out in three stages, as it comes at every stage to a tumbling of the material and detachment of fines.

Due to the very compact appearance of the limestone with large feed sizes, it was decided to use a heavy impact crusher, because herewith a maximum of impact energy can be used for the crushing process. Thus, a high degree of size reduction is achieved. The crusher is of course equipped the well-known, robust GSK-rotor (see photo) and the proven hydraulic impact apron support system HAZtronic®, which allows easy adjustment of the impact aprons and provides a very high level of operational safety. The total plant capacity is 2,500 tph. This makes the installation one of the most powerful crushing plants worldwide in the cement industry.

Delivery of the plant is scheduled for the end of 2014.

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