Fauske Process Safety News

Posted in: , on 9. Feb. 2014 - 15:55

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Welcome to the Fauske & Associates, LLC

Winter 2014

Process Safety News

As we enter our 34th year in business, we look back on how the company has adapted and evolved into the industry leader it is today. The last five years have been particularly impressive years of growth and change for us and we look forward to this growth momentum continuing into 2014.

Please see my letter for more information about some of the exciting happenings at FAI.

We hope you enjoy the articles listed below:

• Estimating Two-Phase Flashing Flows Through Safety Relief Valves (SRVs) the Easy and Verified Way

• Rigging the ChemiSens for Hydrogenation

• Fauske & Associates, LLC (FAI) Announces New Onsite Course Offerings!

• Characterizing and Testing Potentially Flammable Material

• Meet Ken Kurko, Director, Thermal Hazards Testing & Consulting

• VSP User Forum – Optimizing Temperature Measurement

This year also marks the 20th year of publication (our first issue was published in Winter 1994) for Process Safety News. In the below excerpt from the Letter from the President that appeared in that inaugural issue, President Emeritus, Hans Fauske states,“The purpose of this newsletter is to update readers on recent advances in chemical process safety. Brief discussions of new methodologies and practices for relief system design and evaluation will be presented. Also, this newsletter will present news related to FAI products and services, including the latest RSST calorimeter offerings and contract laboratory testing services.”

Today, we publish this with the same intent of providing a useful tool to the process safety professionals we partner with and serve.

Thank you for the continuing opportunities to support your process safety needs.

Keep Warm and Safe,


Download the Newsletter here.

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Fauske headquarters at Burr Ridge, IL, USA


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