Coolers from PRC

Posted in: , on 23. Dec. 2013 - 08:58

Cooler is a kind of quench cooler. Its principle is to quench clinker which is laid in levels on the grate plates with cold wind from air blower.Temperature of clinker will be rapidly dropped from 1200 to be less than 100.Plenty of waste gases after cooling could not only be used as secondary air in the kiln,but also be heat source for drying coal in the coal mill.

Working Principle:

Cooler (lime cooler, cement cooling , magnesium cooler) work principle : Cooler is widely used in building material, chemical industry, metallurgy, and other industry, matching with rotary kiln. The equipment in the natural state,low speed revolving in a slope of 3.5% , the material feeding from the top of cylinder , scatter plate is scatting the material to make it discharging from the bottom side of cooler .

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