PT Loesche lndonesia

Posted in: , on 19. Dec. 2013 - 12:16

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PT Loesche lndonesia (LIND)

Active around the world – Loesche opens a new subsidiary in Jakarta, Indonesia

Although it is easy nowadays to communicate across borders thousands of miles away, it is very important for Loesche to be close to its markets and to be able to work hand-in-hand with its customers. Which is why the company has taken the opportunity to establish another overseas subsidiary, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Indonesia is becoming an increasingly important market for Loesche, based on the dynamic economic growth that the country has achieved in recent years. In common with other countries with developing economies, the cement industry is growing rapidly here as a result, with Loesche having received a substantial number of new orders for its specialist equipment. And, with a growing population of mills in the cement and other industries, the company has reached the position where it needs expert staff on-the-spot to guarantee, that projects are completed on time, and to budget and handle the growing market for spare parts and service.

The new subsidiary in Indonesia will be managed by Detlef Blümke, who joined Loesche in 1990 and since 2006 has been head of the company’s commissioning department and deputy-director of Loesche’s technical field service. “Mr Blümke’s strong technical background and experience in developing new markets for our service activities has made him an excellent choice as managing director of PT Loesche Indonesia,” said Dr. Joachim Kirchmann, Loesche’s joint CEO. “In his new position, he will have responsibility for all management activities at PT Loesche lndonesia. This will involve establishing PT Loesche Indonesia in the Asian market, as well as developing strategies and concepts for the company to become a new regional service hub for the Loesche group,” Dr. Kirchmann added.

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Detlef Blümke,

Managing Director PT Loesche Indonesia

With Mr. Blümke having taken up his new role at the beginning of October 2013, Loesche’s Indonesian operation is scheduled to be fully operational from 1st January 2014. “Indonesia is central to economic development within Southeast Asia,” Mr. Blümke commented, “and Loesche has responded by making itself much more accessible to its customers on an in-country basis. My remit is to make sure that we strengthen our position and even more important also the relations, which are in the interest of our clients due to shorter reaction times, as well as to provide the best service possible, from installation and commissioning to in-service support, wherever required in the region.”

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