Belt Conveyor Starting Time

Posted in: , on 4. Dec. 2013 - 15:10

Dear Experts

We designed a belt conveyor with fixed speed, 160kW, 400V, 1485rpm squirrel cage electro motor and gearbox ratio (i=) 25 with hydrocoupling FNDB 490 (FELENDER catalogue).

Acording to dynamic analisis and belt conveyor configuration, starting time is 24 seconds.

As FNDB couplings have Dilay Chamber for more soft starting, we used FNDB 490 for conection between motor and gearbox. But we don't sure about this selection. We are worry about starting time. Can FNDB 490 stand 24Sec starting time?

Best Regards Majid Arabi

Re: Belt Conveyor Starting Time

Erstellt am 4. Dec. 2013 - 04:38

If you have followed Flender's filling requirements for the required KW (HP) and output speed than you should not have a problem. (see chart attached)

Ensure that your thermal fuse plug is installed and note the temperature setting on the plug - I think red plug is 140°C and green plug is 160°C. You may want to monitor the temperature for a while to ensure it is not overheating.

24 seconds is a good starting time that helps prevent shock loads on the system components. That is what the couplings are designed to do.

I have seen far too many conveyors getting up to speed way too fast causing component failure problems.


490 fill info (PDF)

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Yours Tearfully,

Erstellt am 5. Dec. 2013 - 03:10

"Can FNDB 490 stand 24Sec starting time?" ????

What did Flender say? If you're not sure of the design it shows that you didn't ask when you should've.

Has your design been approved by a reviewer, or does that question need to be raised at all?

John Gateley

Re: Belt Conveyor Starting Time

Erstellt am 5. Dec. 2013 - 06:54

Hi Gary

your sent chart is for FN series. You know, FNDB series have bigger oil chamber and then they need more oil and they do softer start. FNDB can use for longer starting time than FN series.

But unfortunatly we have not a chart that show the recomended start time for different size of couplings. As you mentioned, we shall finish starting and accelaration time before termal fuse action.

Best Regards Majid Arabi
Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Ask The Q

Erstellt am 5. Dec. 2013 - 12:40

Hello ronakco,

the fill table is for the FN series, that includes the FNDB which stands for Fl. cplg with enlarged delay chamber (FN), elastic cplg and brake drum (DB). So the additional letters stand for mechanical accessories. However, for a correct fill volume you ought to approach the supplier. The 24 sec should be fine, if this is what you have for fully loaded start-up, mind the related power requirement.

Concerning recommended start times, there will in all probability be no such value as per a table, there's too much other influences as one should reduce that to a plain number. If you approach the supplier, you shall get an information as to how much consecutive start-ups per hour you might achieve. This will be based on suppliers thermal calculations, and will give you the security that you are on safe ground with the application.

And, a last however: Be sure with the startup time and the related required power transmission, these are THE deciding values.

