Limestone Handling by Conveyor System

Posted in: , on 2. Dec. 2013 - 08:43

Dear Experts

Please inform if CP grade Lime stone(Very Aggressive) is handled by conveyor system.If any one has experience,I like to know the capacity-TPH,and the

cover material used for the conveyor belt.Problems faced if any also may please be given.


Narayanan Nalinakshan.

Have Bargepoles Ready!

Erstellt am 3. Dec. 2013 - 10:09

A google showed up a website which defined CP grade limestone as a comglomerate of oxides: which is not limestone. This material is quoted as run-of-mine with no treatment.About 45.05% of the material is unknown and the maximum lump size and fines are not known either. If r-o-m quicklime does exist,particularly as some dust, it will present a respiratory hazard in the dry state and if wet the heat of hydration can cause skin burns. There is also a troublesome magnesium oxide present and this might detonate under certain treatments. I would postpone any belt conveyor capacity and cover selection until after reading various MSDS for the product. If the exporter cannot supply an MSDS then he should be excluded.

Any existence of an MSDS by the exporter mentioned earlier is doubtful since he clearly does not know what he is producing. Why, because the website states that the material has been certified on despatch and yet there is 45% unaccounted for. Export is offered by barge. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.

John Gateley

Cp Lime Stone Handling.

Erstellt am 7. Dec. 2013 - 11:00
Quote Originally Posted by johngateleyView Post
A google showed up a website which defined CP grade limestone as a comglomerate of oxides: which is not limestone. This material is quoted as run-of-mine with no treatment.About 45.05% of the material is unknown and the maximum lump size and fines are not known either. If r-o-m quicklime does exist,particularly as some dust, it will present a respiratory hazard in the dry state and if wet the heat of hydration can cause skin burns. There is also a troublesome magnesium oxide present and this might detonate under certain treatments. I would postpone any belt conveyor capacity and cover selection until after reading various MSDS for the product. If the exporter cannot supply an MSDS then he should be excluded.

Any existence of an MSDS by the exporter mentioned earlier is doubtful since he clearly does not know what he is producing. Why, because the website states that the material has been certified on despatch and yet there is 45% unaccounted for. Export is offered by barge. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for the input.

This material is very aggressive,hard white material with a good amount of white dust.

In India,this CP grade material is imported from Salala (OMAN),and is used in steel making.

The import is done through ports, and the quantity is quite high.

We tried to handle it with existing coal conveyors,but the belt get frequently damaged.If a single piece entering between belt and pulley

puncture the belt,which has M-24 grade cover.

My request is, if any one has experience in handling similar material,what type of belt is used.

What is the speed of the belt.


Narayanan Nalinakshan

Conveyor Belt Ripping

Erstellt am 7. Dec. 2013 - 01:08

Conveyor belt ripping is not new. Certain grades of limestone are very good at this. Coal is a softer material and much less abrasive and hence does not usually rip your belt. If is very possible that the cover provided for your coal conveying is not suitable for limestone. You need to talk to Goodyear or some other belt rep to get the right selection. Goodyear now makes a belt with a "sensor guard" to detect belt ripping and preventive maintenance can be applied before it is too late. (No I am not a rep for Goodyear) I imagine other companies offer the same thing.

Without seeing your conveyor arrangement it is hard to comment but it also sounds like you may have a problem with your transfer or loading point. If the material stays centered on the belt then you only have to deal with wear issues and not ripping issues.

Re: Limestone Handling By Conveyor System

Erstellt am 7. Dec. 2013 - 02:26

Install a return plow just before the tail pulley and maintain it. No belt should be exposed to jamming at the tail pulley or any pulley for that matter. The problem is the system design not the belt. The belt needs to be designed for the tension created by the load and the cover designed for the wear factor.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Cp Grade Lime Stone Handling.

Erstellt am 8. Dec. 2013 - 06:55
Quote Originally Posted by Gary BlenkhornView Post
Install a return plow just before the tail pulley and maintain it. No belt should be exposed to jamming at the tail pulley or any pulley for that matter. The problem is the system design not the belt. The belt needs to be designed for the tension created by the load and the cover designed for the wear factor.

Thanks you all.

We have a well designed conveyor system which is handling imported coking coal at 5000TPH,with out any problem.

But,at times the system is also used for handling lime stone.There is no much problem while handling SP grade lime stone which is less

abrasive.Problem comes only when CP grade is used.

The belt is provided with plough scrapers before the tail/take up pulleys.

All efforts are taken care off,but damage of belt happens at the skirts,if a small particle (CP) of get in between,and if a piece, by chance, jump over the plough scraper.

Hence we request input from experts who actually has experience in handling CP grade.


Narayanan Nalinakshan.

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Design Adaptations

Erstellt am 8. Dec. 2013 - 10:10

Dear Narayanan Nalinakshan,

proposal is upgrading your equipment:

a) plough scraper with top cover and deflector plates in order to not letting pass any lumps / particles of size

b) installation of additional run-in protection directly in front of return pulley

c) upgrading the chute / skirtboard edge sealing equipment to the more aggressive handled material



Lime Stone Handling Cp Grade

Erstellt am 8. Dec. 2013 - 11:04
Quote Originally Posted by Roland HeilmannView Post
Dear Narayanan Nalinakshan,

proposal is upgrading your equipment:

a) plough scraper with top cover and deflector plates in order to not letting pass any lumps / particles of size

b) installation of additional run-in protection directly in front of return pulley

c) upgrading the chute / skirtboard edge sealing equipment to the more aggressive handled material



Yes Sir,

We are proposing to do the same.

Thanks a lot to all,

Narayanan Nalinakshan.