Simply Put....

Erstellt am 25. Oct. 2013 - 07:15

....Don't run with it before you can walk with it.

You can easily find this figure from the many handbooks and codes of practice which are available aplenty.

Most belt manufacturers provide the information in their design manuals. You can also find case histories within these forums.

Despite what others might tell you it is not advisable to exceed those figures. Some might tell you to run 2ms-1 faster: some will say go slower. But they wouldn't know enough about your operating conditions to be able to say. For starters, handling capacity is 2000th-1 with a bottom limit of empty. In terms of temperature: how freshly burnt is this stuff going to be?

John Gateley

Re: Max. Belt Speed For Iron Ore Pellet Handling

Erstellt am 25. Oct. 2013 - 07:55

In CEMA standard you can see a table about recomended belt speed but in this table we can't see Burned Iron Ore Pellet.

so, in RULMECA cataloge we see recomended speed table but it is very low speed for this grain size material. I don't like to follow this low speed. Low Speed belt means high tension belt.

In PHOENIX catalogue i didn't see recomended speed table.

I want to asking from some expert pepole that they have real experiences about this matter.

But abut tempereture: this material coming from cooling system ant temperature is less than 60 degree cantigrade.

Best Regards Majid Arabi

Here We Go Again!

Erstellt am 27. Oct. 2013 - 04:57

"I don't like to follow this low speed. Low Speed belt means high tension belt."

Firstly, if your material is obscure enough not to be included generally then perhaps it is not so special and probably hiding under another more popular name. Alternatively perhaps a better description of the material would be appropriate. This assumes that the material actually already exists.

Secondly, Rulmeca seriously know what they're about. If their handbook says v=v then v it should be. Speed should be left to Honda. You seem to intend to run the conveyor faster to save on belt. This opens up a whole can of worms viz., shorter roller life; increased downtime; potential belt damage and the loss of most of your warranty protection.

Do what the literature advises or, more to the point, specifies. It's not your money you're spending. Your civil, structural and erection cost will swallow any saving you will make on a GT version.

John Gateley

Iron Ore Pellet Experience

Erstellt am 28. Oct. 2013 - 09:09

Regarding to CKIT website the maximum speed for grain or free flowing material is 4m/s for belt width 1050mm.

As the iron ore pellet is free flowing maybe the above limitation can be used.

Is there any person who has experienced belt conveyor with 4m/s speed for iron ore pellet(burned)?


iron ore pellet (JPG)

Is There Any Person Who Has Experienced Belt Conveyor With 4m/S…

Erstellt am 28. Oct. 2013 - 02:15
Quote Originally Posted by mohandesView Post
Regarding to CKIT website the maximum speed for grain or free flowing material is 4m/s for belt width 1050mm.

As the iron ore pellet is free flowing maybe the above limitation can be used.

Is there any person who has experienced belt conveyor with 4m/s speed for iron ore pellet(burned)?

Yes, in Rotterdam at EMO terminal we run our conveyorbelts at 4.5 m/sec and we have only steelcord belts.

Our belt length is from 22 meters upto 1600 meters.

No problems with pellets


Re: Max. Belt Speed For Iron Ore Pellet Handling

Erstellt am 28. Oct. 2013 - 03:32

Our belts are 1600 and 1800 mm wide, the 22 m belt is 2400 mm wide

Our capacity is 5000 t/h

What do you mean with slob?



Erstellt am 29. Oct. 2013 - 02:00

Probably: Slope>slop>slob.

Mohandes very recently brought an important proof reading oversight to our attention in another thread: concerning airflow calculation standards. It just proves the fragility of an otherwise admirable language graciously bestowed on the world by a more than grateful nation.

By the way, we still haven't got a precise indication of what Burned Iron Ore Pellet might be so it might be necessary to check the allowable speed practically: if it isn't too late or even if it is possible.

John Gateley


Erstellt am 29. Oct. 2013 - 08:32
Quote Originally Posted by pollekeView Post
Our belts are 1600 and 1800 mm wide, the 22 m belt is 2400 mm wide

Our capacity is 5000 t/h

What do you mean with slob?


Sorry for my mistake in writing.

I mean slope of belt conveyor which I have seen in texts that effect on speed limitation.

Meanwhile you didn't have any experience with belt width=1000mm for iron ore pellet?

Depends On The Ga Drawings Of The Conveyor,If The Slope Is Not …

Erstellt am 14. Dec. 2013 - 09:27
Quote Originally Posted by ronakcoView Post
According to your experiences, how much is the max. recomended speed for belt in Iron Ore Burned Pellet handling conveyor? Material size is 5mm to 20mm and handling capacity is 1000t/hr to 2000t/hr.

Depends on the GA drawings of the conveyor,if the slope is not too big, above 4.5m/s speed would be possible!
