V. M. Engineers Quality Control Department

Posted in: , on 27. Sep. 2013 - 16:36

V. M. Engineers made a well defined quality policy under which we have been conducting various manufacturing tests by using highly advanced equipments and machinery.

Some of the QC checks are as follows.

  • Chemical analysis through chemical process (wet process), or Spectrometer
  • To ensure quality production we are equipped with latest testing facilities.Carbon equivalent and Physical tests through approved external laboratories.
  • Instruments for DFT measurement.
  • Brinell Rockwell portable hardness tester for hardness testing.
  • Push pull meter for the accurate span measurement indicating the appropriate pulling force.
  • In addition to that we also follow NDT tests like DPT, UT, & RT tests to confirm the product standard.
  • Tachometer for Speed Measurements.

To know more about Quality Policy of V. M. Engineers: http://www.vmecranes.com/quality-assurance.php

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